Let’s Explore your connection to food.

Energize, Optimize and Vitalize your body EVERYDAY through Deepening your Connection to the foods you choose, Anchored in your Body’s Wisdom, and bringing you back into Balance, Ease and Home with yourself.

Wendee Daniels, MTCM

Wellness & Nutritional expert

Hi I’m Wendee Daniels, I have had the pleasure to work with thousands of clients over the past 20+years providing individualized nutritional coaching. I believe that individualized nutritional coaching emphasizes strengthening the gut microbiome and digestive function through eating whole foods and utilizing very selective, high-quality herbal supplementation. My training in Traditional Chinese Medicine is the foundation that supports my ability to guide you to better health by having more energy and vitality. I encourage listening to your body to discover deeper the meaning of what it really feels like to feel nourished. A combination of Eastern medical wisdom and my own inner body knowledge is the foundational approach to my nutritional coaching.

Nourishing ourselves is a philosophy and a way of life. Its not about steadfast rules filled with Do’s and Don’ts. Nourisment is wholistic, dynamic and ever changing. It is shaped by the the seasons present in our lives, our environments and our communities. How we choose to interact within this dynamic is up to the individual. -Wendee Daniels, MTCM

How We Can Work Together


Food is Medicine. Revitalize, Rejeuvinate, Rediscover Your Inner Glow.



Flavor-rich, nutrient dense recipes, whole foods and a nourishing meal in the comforts of your own home.



Whether a Birthday Party, Holiday Event or a Wellness Retreat, we offer one of a kind Farm to Table Catering Options Suited to your Needs.  


Begin your cooking journey right from home.